With all this talk across the US about doing energy audits and energy testing, there may be a more cost effective solution. I have been feeling some resistance towards the idea of mandating audits, since they by themselves, do not do anything to decrease a carbon footprint and during the last energy crunch the audits were not proven to be effective. I think they are a wonderful option for someone that has the cash to tighten their home and do the other measures to ensure a healthy indoor environment.
I read today in the Denver Post about the idea of having a "smart meter". The concept is simple and is being tested in Hove, England. The meter tells you at a glace how much energy the house is using. They can be programed to bleep if you exceed a set amount. According to people that have used this, it helps you change your habits. The British government is considering having some version of the gas and electric metering in all British households, because of it's effectiveness in changing behavior.
If we are serious about doing something that actually impacts a carbon footprint, we might consider what the fine people of Britian are doing. I think I will get my 1920's house set up with one! I will post again after I get one.